Distinct Uses of Medical Image Annotation in Various Fields

  • Digital Pathology

The tissues and cells are annotated on WSI (Whole Slide Images) to support pharmaceutical companies from next-generation treatments and products for the treatment of a series of diseases.

  • Digital Radiology

The annotators develop various plain films, MRIs, ultrasound images and CTs to develop data for innovative diagnostic expertise.

  • Medical Documents and Texts

Whether it is extracting information to progressive NLP, the experts dissect audio and text in clinical records, clinical trial data and digital documents to control robotic virtual assistants, medical decision support algorithms and process automation.

  • Robotic-enabled Endoscopy and Surgery

The leaders across the globe in endoscopy and surgery depends on computer vision for driving technology in lesion detection, instrument tracking and phase recognition.

  • Sports Medicine and Behavioural Health

From progressive monitoring at home to athlete biomechanics, the annotators work with progressive firms to form innovative solutions in performance and safety.

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