Types of Image Annotation

Several image annotation types cater to the requirements of people. Here are some of the most common types of image annotation.

  • Bounding Boxes: This is one of the most common types of image annotation and is used extensively in computer vision. The experts make use of the rectangular box annotation for illustrating objects and also for training data. This enables algorithms to detect and localize items during the machine learning techniques.
  • Polygon Annotation: The experts use this type by plotting points on every vertex of the aimed object. The best part about polygon annotation is that it lets the precise edges of all the objects be annotated irrespective of the shape.
  • Semantic Segmentation: Here, the annotators segment the images into components part before annotating. The experts identify the desired objects at pixel level from the images.
  • Lidar Annotation: The experts label the videos and images in 360-degree visibility. The multi-sensor camera captures it to form high-quality and accurate datasets.

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