Text Annotation

Types of Audio Transcriptions

When transcribing audio files takes up too much time and effort, it’s time to seek help from transcription experts who offer services not only for medical purposes but also for legal, educational and business requirement. Due to advanced technology, transcription experts can effortlessly transform your seminars, podcasts, speeches, and interviews into transcripts that are free …

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Role of Medical Transcription to Aid Telemedicine Practices

With conventional medicine, there is a considerable sum of records documentation required. The documentation is imperative as it helps to transmit the systematic records in time among professionals who may be several miles away. Medical transcription in such scenarios plays a crucial part in telemedicine practices. It provides a solution to simplify and quicken this …

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Points Covered in Healthcare Text Annotation Guidelines

The healthcare text annotation guidelines offer references to train annotators besides clear blueprints to perform distinct healthcare annotation tasks. Read below to know the points covered in the guidelines. The role of clinical entity extraction and illustrations from healthcare entity forms such as body vitals, procedures and medications.   Extra tasks with well-defined instances, like …

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Importance of Healthcare Text Annotation Guidelines

The text annotation guidelines in healthcare are blueprints to cover a systematic illustration of the medical knowledge saved in digital text. To map the textual visions to structured information, the annotations formed with the help of these guidelines are transferred into an ML algorithm that extracts the medical knowledge in the form of text. In …

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Text Classification

Text classification is also known as document classification or text categorization and it makes annotators read short lines or a body of text. Annotators need to do an analysis of the content, classify the subject, sentiment and intent within it and distinguish it based on a prearranged list of groups. Entity annotation involves the labelling …

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Annotating Strategies

Around 95 per cent of the data that is generated in distinct organisations is not structured. Unstructured data cannot be defined appropriately especially if you are setting up an AI model for healthcare purposes. Feeding information for processing and delivering output to an algorithm makes all the difference. The process of annotation is diverse as …

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Scope Of Data Annotators in Data-Driven Healthcare

Healthcare sectors in the era of data are under tremendous pressure. There is a dire need to maximize patient care and patient experiences thereby reducing costs of healthcare delivery consistently. Therefore, the healthcare industry is adapting to smart solutions to make better business decisions. Machine learning applications and models are helping payers, vendors and service …

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