
Transformation of Healthcare Through Medical Imaging Annotation

The technology needs to be in place as its crucial for medical care organisations that seek to provide better patient results. Therefore, medical skilled developers are striving to set up the next generation of software techniques to help medical experts to provide better healthcare to patients. Annotation attributes offer numerous advantages in these continuing efforts. …

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Role of Medical Image Annotation in Teeth, Eye Cell and Microscopic Cell Analysis

Gums are teeth-related concerns that can be treated effectively with the help of AI-driven devices. Besides the structure of teeth, AI in dentistry also help in detecting the distinct types of oral issues. A training data set of the best quality will certainly aid in the ML algorithm to understand the patterns and at the …

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Teleradiology – A Booming Marketplace

A radiologist regardless of which country he belongs to can register to offer teleradiology solutions and the payment is instantly transferred into their digital wallet. Well, this platform speaks a lot about the future of teleradiology. Till the time the healthcare institutes and companies obtaining distant radiology services work together in harmony with the help …

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Role of Teleradiology During Shortage of Skilled Clinicians

Conventional practices of radiology face the concern of supply scarcity when it comes to the availably of medical professionals. As per the AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges) that was published in the year 2019, there will be a scarcity of close to 122,000 clinicians by 2032 in the United States. The output of radiologists …

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Top Trends in Teleradiology Outsourcing

With the sudden spike in workload, the teleradiology outsourcing sector has adopted modern and efficient workflow solution systems such as PACS (The Picture Archive and Communication System) and RIS (Radiology Information System) to increase the productivity of radiologists. The add-on attributes and collaboration choices made available with the help of these systems have enabled continuous …

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Teleradiology Outsourcing – Cloud Infrastructure

The term teleradiology outsourcing means transferring the radiological images for distant diagnosis and reporting by specialists online. Advanced technologies like cloud-based services are made available to healthcare industries and hence the teleradiology outsourcing market is booming like never before. As per the Global Teleradiology Market Survey 2016- 2020, it shows more than 15 per cent …

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The Challenges Faced in the Practice of Emergency Teleradiology

The key challenge faced in emergency teleradiology is the lack of comprehensive and accurate medical data. The clinical details offered most often is in the form of sudden trauma or abdominal pain and without any reference to the particular nature or location of the trauma or pain. Also, there is no information on the related …

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Impact of Teleradiology on Reducing TAT In the Emergency Setting

There are a huge number of healthcare institutes and hospitals that utilize teleradiology solutions in the United States. In fact, the US is one of the largest users of teleradiology as there are small to medium-sized community hospitals.   Before adopting the emergency teleradiology in the emergency rooms, the scan mostly wasn’t reported until the …

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The Latest Advancement in Teleradiology – 3-D Report Viewing

Teleradiology is in the utmost demand today considering the high potential it shows to revolutionize cancer diagnostics. Due to the advancement in technology, imaging techniques have upgraded significantly, facilitating oncologists to provide an accurate diagnosis with immediate treatment. As per the estimation by the international agency on cancer research, around 19.3 million fresh cancer cases …

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Benefits of Teleradiology

Teleradiology facilitates radiologists, hospitals and patients and hence it has become one of the popular services worldwide. Here are some of the key benefits of teleradiology:   Teleradiology allows radiologists to assist patients over remotely which saves time and delayed treatments.   If there is a need for reading an image on an urgent basis, …

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