Top Companies Using AI In E-commerce

Some of the top companies using AI for uplifting E-commerce are:

  • Alibaba 

Alibaba, the world’s largest e-commerce platform, uses AI. They use it to predict what customers may want to buy. Product descriptions are generated with NLP for the site automatically. In 2020, the company announced it would spend $28bn on cloud, AI, and other technologies by 2023. Alibaba plans to spend $1bn for an IoT ecosystem that supports its voice assistant and smart speaker 

  • Amazon 

It has the world’s largest cloud infrastructure services, along with its e-commerce platform. A well-known AI product from Amazon is Alexa, the virtual assistant. 

  • Drinks’ 

Drinks provides a digital platform for e-commerce retailers to add wine products to their websites. They are using AI-based Wine as a Service API. 

  • eBay 

eBay is a well-known e-commerce platform. It uses AI to help customers with advice and personalized recommendations. Moreover, it improves shipping and delivery times. They also use AI for image search and web page translations.

These are just a few companies that are using artificial intelligence for their e-commerce platforms. The real-world impact will be seen in a few years as more e-commerce brands begin investing in AI.

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