Medical Uses of Image Annotation

Image annotation in the medical sector is used for diagnosing the illnesses including blood clotting, brain tumours and other neurological disorders. With the help of the MRI or CT scan, ML models can detect illnesses especially if they are trained well with accurately annotated images. The brain injuries or other issues are well annotated and fed into the ML algorithm for accurate prediction. When the model is completely trained, it works as an alternative for the radiologist that would make the process of imaging diagnosis quicker as it saves the time of the radiologist in making the decisions.

Treatment of liver problems

Liver related issues can be treated by medical experts through ultrasound images. Mostly, the health experts detect and track illnesses by assessing the medical images of the liver visually.

Kidney stone detection

Through image annotation, kidney-related issues like stone, infection and other related issues that affect the functioning of the kidney can be detected.

Cancer Cells detection

You can detect cancer with the help of AI-enabled machines that saves the lives of many people from such dreadful diseases. If cancer is not detected during the initial stages, it is difficult to cure or it may take a longer time for recovery.

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