Top Trends in Teleradiology Outsourcing

With the sudden spike in workload, the teleradiology outsourcing sector has adopted modern and efficient workflow solution systems such as PACS (The Picture Archive and Communication System) and RIS (Radiology Information System) to increase the productivity of radiologists. The add-on attributes and collaboration choices made available with the help of these systems have enabled continuous communication and flow of data between diagnostic centres, hospitals, radiologists and clinicians.  

Consumer-Centric Approach

The prime focus has now been diverted to consumer-based services. Consumers are more alert and inquisitive and look for the best healthcare facilities that are available in the market. The consumer-centric tactic has given quick access to the patients to reach out to the experts and seek second opinions from radiologists across the globe.

Enhanced Mobile Solutions

There is no stopping when it comes to innovation and expansion in the field of mobile technology. The smartphones with high power provide access to radiologists so that they can assess the high-quality resolution images. Besides, there is a rise in the number of radiologists in the outsourcing teleradiology sector and they can readily perform readings and prepare reports quickly regardless of their location.

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