The Future of Medical Transcription Sector

The medical transcription sector has evolved over years. It has transformed from olden notes on papyrus to fully digitalized documentation. But, most of them think that medical transcription is due to development in voice recognition software and artificial intelligence. The future of medical transcription is indeed bright and it is here to stay. To understand the growth and popularity of this industry, it is important to know how medical transcription came into existence.

The History

The ancient clinical documentation is as old as 1600 B.C in olden Egypt. The doctors in Egypt used papyrus for jotting down notes of surgical processes for better learning and knowledge. During the early years of the 1900s, the maintenance of medical records was much more streamlined. But clinicians did not maintain notes for better patient care. Like Egyptians, the doctors were mostly trying to think about the things that worked and failed.

Clinicians failed to understand the benefits of medical documentation till the time healthcare services did not emerge at the beginning of the 20th century. The information of patients had to be standardized for the development of the medical industry and this led to the requirement of medical scribes.

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