Role of Medical Transcription to Aid Telemedicine Practices

With conventional medicine, there is a considerable sum of records documentation required. The documentation is imperative as it helps to transmit the systematic records in time among professionals who may be several miles away. Medical transcription in such scenarios plays a crucial part in telemedicine practices. It provides a solution to simplify and quicken this process. It helps healthcare experts to avail some valuable time and this, in turn, helps them offer better and efficient patient care.

EMR Integration

Most practices today have integrated with EMRs (Electronic Medical Records). It is also termed as EHRs (Electronic Health Records) instead of paper records. Well, this is true especially in the case of telemedicine. EMRs are more useful as they don’t get damaged in a fire or flood, unlike paper records. Besides, they can be shared and transmitted easily within the clicks of a mouse or a few keystrokes. Therefore, EMRs are highly useful as patient care needs a large and reliable team of professionals who require access to the records of patients.

Seamless automation

EMRs and telemedicine integrate impeccably with medical transcription. The process of medical transcription involves transforming a clinician’s audio dictation file into an electronic text file format. The transcript file then becomes simple to read and identify. The EHR systems support these files and most of the transcription companies upload their files automatically into the exact part of the EHR system. Thus, this automation not only saves time but labour as well for busy healthcare professionals. Consequently, EHRs and telemedicine integrate perfectly.

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