How Is Video Annotation Better Than Image Annotation?

The data structure of video annotation is more complex than image annotation. However, when it comes to information per unit of data, you can obtain the best insight through video. You can use it to identify the position of the object and also the movement of the object and its direction. When you check an image of a person, it is difficult to figure out if he or she is on the verge of standing up or sitting down. But, through a video, one can get clarity.


Video also benefits as it takes data from previous frames to detect if the item is blocked partially. When it comes to image annotation, it can’t perform this action. Video indeed extracts more information for every unit of data compared to an image.

Annotation Method

Video annotation is more difficult as annotators need to synchronise and identify objects of distinct states between frames. Computers have the ability to identify objects across frames and there is no need for human intervention. The entire video segments can be annotated and there is negligible human labour required. The outcome here is that video is a quicker method in comparison with image annotation.

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