Different Categories of Audio Classification

Environmental Sound Classification

The audio annotators are required to classify several sounds that attributes to distinct environments. Some specific sounds are related to cities like car horns, construction, sirens and other such sounds this particular classification comes in the best use to create security systems that recognize break-ins sound and also for predictive upkeep.

Acoustic Data Classification

Acoustic data classification is a type of data annotation that identifies precisely where the recordings of sound took place. The data annotators are required to distinguish between different types of environments like schools, homes, cafes, and so on. This comes in handy to maintain sound libraries and to create monitoring systems.

Music Classification

This type involves the classification of musical instruments, genre, ensemble type and much more. This type of audio annotation is the idea to organize music libraries and enhance the recommendations of users.

Classification of Natural Language Utterance

This type of audio annotation needs categorizing the smallest of details like semantics, dialect and other things that you find in human speech. The natural language utterance classification is highly useful as it allows virtual assistance and chatbots to comprehend human speech more effectively.

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