Impact of Teleradiology on Reducing TAT In the Emergency Setting

There are a huge number of healthcare institutes and hospitals that utilize teleradiology solutions in the United States. In fact, the US is one of the largest users of teleradiology as there are small to medium-sized community hospitals.

Before adopting the emergency teleradiology in the emergency rooms, the scan mostly wasn’t reported until the next day. Consequently, there were greater delays in treating patients suffering from critical health conditions. The practice needed the technologist to do the CT scan and notify a sleeping radiologist during odd hours in the night who had to report to the hospital every time for reviewing the scan and continue to work even the next day. Thus, with the adoption of teleradiology systems, there have been significant improvements and benefits.

During the earlier times of teleradiology practice, there was constant feedback coming from physicians who were on duty in the emergency rooms on their preference to work with a radiologist who would be awake and instantly provide assistance. The high-level service agreement between the teleradiology service and the hospital now ensures a quick report turnaround time. It not only benefits the patients, but also the physicians treating in an emergency room. The impact of teleradiology in medical service especially in the emergency care area is indeed remarkable.

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